What people said about Phyl’s jam Rose Garden

5 Comments (since 10 May 2015)

5 years, 8 months ago


For those interested in the musical side of things, here's an interesting version that both sounds more 'country' and points up just how special Lynn Anderson's voice is. https://youtu.be/i3XoRA7js08

5 years, 8 months ago


An unusual choice, young man. I applaud your broadbrush approach to TIMJ. :-D As for that whole election thang...they're all crap, so we're pretty well fecked at every turn...just drink great coffee, listen to 70s prog and all the world seems like a luvverly, luvverly place...

5 years, 8 months ago



5 years, 8 months ago


@BertrandRustles i liked purely because it reminds me of sunday mornings as a kid and my mam stacking up the 'radiogram' with old LP's that id give the earth to listen to again now but couldnt stand at the time!

5 years, 8 months ago


@21schizoid, I take that as a compliment friend as unusual is good in my books. Agree with you on the rest too. :) @mrscave64, I'm with you on the old LP's thing. Fortunately I got to clear my old Mum's place when she died, so I have hers. Not so lucky with me Dad tho. @BertrandRustles, thanks and I agree. I still think that Lynn Anderson has a great voice which is demonstrated in that link I provided. There are some vids of her doing Rose Garden recently and she still sounds great! :)