Pac-Man Fever (whole album) by Buckner & Garcia "Pac-Man Fever" (Pac-Man) (3:46) "Froggy's Lament" (Frogger) (3:16) "Ode to a Centipede" (Centipede) (5:35) "Do the Donkey Kong" (Donkey Kong) (4:22) "Hyperspace" (Asteroids) (4:05) "The Defender" (Defender) (4:05) "Mousetrap" (Mouse Trap) (3:58) "Goin' Berzerk" (Berzerk) (4:17)”

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We can't find this song online. Make it your jam if you know a good link! :)

This jam is special! The first and only time it’s been posted was by ctsant in Jun 2015.