Speechless by Leah West

“Full disclosure, and this exposes preconceived notions about me I'd rather not dwell on. In Twitter, when ppl follow me and then send a DM soon after asking me to check out their stuff, I'm a bit underwhelmed. That's not what Leah West did. She just followed me, and let me decide. Sometimes potential audiences are like a deer in a forest. Approach with caution. I don't use Twitter DMs much. I could count on one hand maybe the pleasant conversations I've had with DMs. I prefer the illusion of an audience. I noticed she's a singer songwriter. Sometimes that gets my attention. Can't guarantee, if you are a musician and you do that, I'll notice. Odds are I won't, but this time I did, and I'm glad, cuz this lazy Sunday morning it's raining outside, and this is the perfect song for the Texas weather right now. Melancholy with a chance of hope. I hope you like it too. Let twitter.com/LeahWestMusic know what you think. Forecast for June is more jams. A list on my wall is staring at me..”

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This jam is special! The first and only time it’s been posted was by ZachsMind in May 2015.