Scarlett Scorpio by Madelynn Rae

“CosPlay is a big thing nowadays, and with advances in costuming and practical effects becoming cheaper for consumers, it's getting easier for people to dress up as their favorite characters. However, some people take it just a few steps further, making short subject films using favored copyrighted characters. Is this legal? Who knows? Who cares? I don't think they can't make money doing this, due to legalities, but that doesn't stop people obsessed with pop culture. They're simply labors of love. In 2010 an unauthorized film based on the Batman franchise called City of Scars was produced, and this song comes from its sequel: Seeds of Arkham. Madelynn Rae's voice has a timeless quality to it, and the music is reminiscent of songs from the early days of the James Bond franchise with a more modern flair. You can currently find more stuff like this at or just search City of Scars at YouTube.”

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This jam is special! The first and only time it’s been posted was by ZachsMind in Jul 2015.