Jazz Jamboree'79 Live by SBB

“…some older stuff this time—good old prog-rock from fantastic SBB performing live in 1979, from Jazz Jamboree, the most revered, at least until 1990’s, Polish jazz festival. It’s been only recently, that I’ve learnt to appreciate some of the music I grew up with in a background, and these guys (who still tour, by the way) are crème de la crème, being a true class of their own. All three of them are absolute masters of their trade, but my favorite is, without a doubt, the drummer—Jerzy Piotrowski—whose fantastic skill, technique and imagination have won him quite a few awards. There’s an introduction (in Polish) after the first piece, at 8:39, and the concert continues from 11:22 on. I hope you enjoy.”

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We can't find this song online. Make it your jam if you know a good link! :)

This jam is special! The first and only time it’s been posted was by homosporocarpus in May 2015.