At Least It Was Here by The 88

This jam was posted by 69 people

but puddlesplashers was first  

I've had it with bands beginning with letters now. Also, I recently finished a binge session of Community on Netflix, so this song is bound to be stuck in my head for a while.

crawtonleek 20 Mar 2015

Dean Dean! #Community

markwtaylor1 17 Mar 2015

"I can't count the reasons I should stay, one by one they all just fade away."

mikeschondek 23 Feb 2014

It's a bit of a pity that we won't hear this intro much anymore

ThisIsACathal 11 May 2014

'I can't count the reasons I should stay, One by one they all just fade away.' Six seasons and a movie!

CallumPetch 7 Jul 2012

Apparently Dan Harmon wrote the lyrics. I dunno but I like it.

TurboToaster 12 Sep 2012