What people said about BarneyRubble’s jam Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The Ground

11 Comments (since 14 May 2013)

7 years, 8 months ago


Here's some Paris Texas to compare http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic_s0DDNoB8

7 years, 8 months ago


ooooh!Paris Texas,was my todays jam!love that film...this is great

7 years, 8 months ago


@dgwise.........try this..)

7 years, 8 months ago


@lynn200, @barney Rubble, exceedingly beautiful & priceless gem that i've had in my collection a long, long time now...cassette version tho, which i'm sure i should find on cd with modern noise reduction techniques applied, hopefully...thanks alot!...

7 years, 8 months ago


sorry....forgot to.........,done now.;.)

7 years, 8 months ago


More than deserves a listen -- this stuff is genius. Blind Willie might have prayed to the Lord, but I pray to Blind Willie...

7 years, 8 months ago


Yes, fantastic.@dgwise you can download a free mp3 version from http://archive.org/ for now. It's in its original condition though.

7 years, 8 months ago


This was one of the first "new" songs I discovered on TIMJ. Blind Willie visits some dark places (no pun intended) on this 'un.

7 years, 8 months ago


@msSue_, thanx for that...@all of you...i seem to remember reading how his house in Texas burned down one night & getting no help he had to sleep on what was left of his burnt wet mattress, caught pneumonia & died...which puts me in mind of a sticker i saw on a car,"i'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one"

7 years, 8 months ago


@dgwise You're very welcome. Yes, what a horrible, sad end :(

7 years, 8 months ago


Spooky Barney! Our guest on the next show, blues fan & historian, Alan Balfour chooses his 'sublime moment' from this song. Great minds....