White Winter Hymnal by Fleet Foxes

This jam was posted by 180 people

but PHILDEAN1963 was first  

Surely one of the best winter songs released during the last couple of years. Yep, I'm keeping the #Christmas spirit going. :D   7

Avante 10 Dec 2013

I was obsessed with this song when it came out, still am. Chatting with my friend, a composer, about it this morning and now she's going to teach it to Y2 & Y3 kids. I'm so pleased. #seasonalsongs   8

loboska 6 Oct 2014

April 2012 sees Paul Weller on the front of @MOJOmagazine (curiously, they didn't switch him for a different artist on US covers this time), and the attendant freebie is a selection compiled by Weller. I looked forward to this, not just as a break from endless all-album cover tributes, but because I'd really enjoyed the Noel Gallagher-compiled disc a few months back even though I'm not a fan of his; Weller's okay in my book, and I figured his choices would be strong. He may be a modern-music buff, but sequencing a compilation isn't his strong suit. There's not much of a flow to it and there are too many slick by-the-numbers acts here for my taste (e.g. Diagrams, Erland & the Carnival). He includes some acts I really like (Robrt Wyatt, Joanna Newsom, Tim Burgess), but the song picks aren't worth Jams; he did, however, include this beauty from Fleet Foxes' '08 debut full-length. Now on hiatus, it's unclear if the band will do new music but that first album remains beautiful.

covermount 4 Jun 2015

Given what I have been doing the last 24 hours (i.e. SHOVELING) and what I went through to get to work today, I think this song is appropriate.

Tox_Doc 2 Feb 2015

the voices.

najodleglejszy 1 Jul 2015

art: Gregory Euclide

maddi909 21 Oct 2014