Uluru Rock by Earthless

“For Indigenous Australians, #Uluru is a place of the greatest spiritual significance, being a part of one of the sacred traditional Dreamtime tracks, or Songlines (‘Yiri’ in the Walpiri language)—the tracks across the land (and the sky) created by mythical aboriginal ancestors when they rose out of the dark Earth and travelled across a formless land, establishing the laws for living, creating mountains, valleys, waterholes and all the physical features of the land that was literally ‘sung’ into existence (awesome, huh?). Bruce Chatwin has put it nicely: 'I have a vision of the Songlines stretching across the continents and ages; that wherever men have trodden they have left a trail of song; and that these trails must reach back, in time and space, to an isolated pocket in the African savannah, where the First Man shouted the opening stanza to the World Song, "I am!"' It’s all music. We’re all it. And this jam from Earthless is the most appropriate tribute to it.”

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This jam was posted by 2 people

but lemoncurry was first  

For Indigenous Australians, #Uluru is a place of the greatest spiritual significance, being a part of one of the sacred traditional Dreamtime tracks, or Songlines (‘Yiri’ in the Walpiri language)—the tracks across the land (and the sky) created by mythical aboriginal ancestors when they rose out of the dark Earth and travelled across a formless land, establishing the laws for living, creating mountains, valleys, waterholes and all the physical features of the land that was literally ‘sung’ into existence (awesome, huh?). Bruce Chatwin has put it nicely: 'I have a vision of the Songlines stretching across the continents and ages; that wherever men have trodden they have left a trail of song; and that these trails must reach back, in time and space, to an isolated pocket in the African savannah, where the First Man shouted the opening stanza to the World Song, "I am!"' It’s all music. We’re all it. And this jam from Earthless is the most appropriate tribute to it.   9

homosporocarpus 15 May 2015