Go Square Go by Glasvegas

“A reverb-guitar-driven song with a fine arc that has been on my mind of late. If you can hear through the accent (or read the lyrics), you'll find a short, sad, poignant story about patriarchal pressure and schoolyard fighting. Pay special attention to the beat, which morphs from a tick to a pound over the course of the song, eventually representing a fast-paced heartbeat and, later, I interpret, actual punches. The lyrics don't give you an ending to the story, but the music does. I love that. For being 3 minutes, I'm surprised by the emotional resonance I have with this one.”

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This jam was posted by 4 people

but indiaknight was first  

A reverb-guitar-driven song with a fine arc that has been on my mind of late. If you can hear through the accent (or read the lyrics), you'll find a short, sad, poignant story about patriarchal pressure and schoolyard fighting. Pay special attention to the beat, which morphs from a tick to a pound over the course of the song, eventually representing a fast-paced heartbeat and, later, I interpret, actual punches. The lyrics don't give you an ending to the story, but the music does. I love that. For being 3 minutes, I'm surprised by the emotional resonance I have with this one.   1

jarvix 9 Apr 2015

And one for me and @deborajaneorr to bear in mind when the holidays are over.

indiaknight 13 Aug 2012

Naughty song

sheff4blade 17 Jul 2013

Let's Monday them before they Monday me...

headlunging 11 Feb 2013