No One is to Blame by Howard Jones

We can't find this song online. Make it your jam if you know a good link! :)

This jam was posted by 2 people

and it was MichaelRains  

This is one of those songs that's been with me since high school. Seemed I never could do or say the right thing to the right girl. I don't recall ever getting slapped, but there were probably times when I deserved it. I like singing this at the top of my lungs when I think no one can hear me. I have to go into falsetto on the high notes. it's probably not suitable for public exposure, but it's therapeutic for me. Like primal scream therapy. I can never tell if Howard Jones is being sincere with these lyrics or if he meant it as sarcastically as I often feel it when I'm just letting this song wash over me and clear out the crappy day I'd had. I've been putting off posting this one cuz I was hoping to find a copy online of the video that used to go with the version where Phil Collins sings backup vocals, but apparently Warner Music Group doesn't like TIMJ much. There's many versions of this song including a "long cut" with just Jones and a piano. Worth looking for.   10

ZachsMind 28 May 2015