“A marvelous rendition! (U.S. http://vimeo.com/105638628 ) And, it's that time of the year again. Why not make a list of your all time favourite songs (min. 25, max. 1000) and send it, preferably in a spreadsheet, to v500@orinocoradio.nl In the weekend of 20,21 and 22 November the best 500 of your lists will be broadcast on internet radio station Orinico Radio during one continuous marathon show. For your inspiration V500's of previous years can be accessed via http://www.orinocoradio.nl/events/ Normal broadcasting is on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings (Central European Time)”

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We can't find this song online. Make it your jam if you know a good link! :)

This jam is special! The first and only time it’s been posted was by dutchbeeblebrox in Oct 2014.