Stretch Out and Wait by The Smiths


This jam was posted by 17 people

but jontyh was first  

been talking a lot about all those torrid '50s-early '60s melodramas i ate up in my youth, stuff like splendor in the grass and rebel without a cause and douglas sirk and miller- and albee- and o'neill- and williams-based adaptations (and not the same era mind, but picnic at hanging rock too). so of course, this is fitting. morrissey was obviously always affected by these things too (all those references to elizabeth smart's love affair memoirs! and shelagh delaney's adolescent pregnancy plays...).   1

ifjuly 26 Mar 2015

Still fighting the Tories. "How can you consciously contemplate when there's no debate?"

Bigrob01 5 Mar 2015

Shakespeare's Sister (B-side) / 1985 #785   1

mondosalvo 23 Aug 2015

As we lie, you say : Will the world end in the night time? (I really don't know) Or will the world end in the day time? (I really don't know) And is there any point ever having children? Oh, I don't know All I do know is we're here and it's now

swagiohead 20 Jan 2014

I imagine myself at 90 still listening to this and letting my juvenile impulses sway. This way and that way...

robbfritz 3 Nov 2012

certain rare songs seem to have the ability to not just mentally but almost physically transport me into the time I first obsessively listened to them, and this is one of the worst.

robbfritz 8 Oct 2013