明月千里寄相思 The Moon Will Guide My Love to You by 吳鶯音 Wu Yingyin

“The third of seven Shanghai Chanteuses is 吳鶯音, who loved to sing since she was a young lass, but was strongly discouraged in her choice of careers by her highly educated parents. As a teenager she snuck out to the local radio station on the weekends to sing- which she continued to do unpaid for years before working her way up to being held in esteem with the best singers in all of China.                     She has a distinctly warm and nasal way of singing that is rather unique to her. She's one of the only Divas who continued to perform throughout her life. Four more to go... #MandarinJams    #YouKidsGetOffMyLawn

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This jam is special! The first and only time it’s been posted was by AlteGeist in Jul 2015.